Monday, March 15

Transloscope March-April

The horoscope for translators - 15 March - 15 April 2010

Stop getting angry because you cannot ctrl-z back in those excel cells and no, it is not absolutely sure that you checked already for double spaces in that 4,000-words doc: it just takes a sec, don't send it yet.

Before you set on fire your internet provider's central building, go out and subscribe to the local gym and work out to realease the stress: in a prison cell the wi-fi is going to be even more unstable.

Don't refuse that dentistry manual job: the fact that you specialize in gardening tools does not mean at all that you'll do bad: no-one will notice unless you loaf on the couch until it's two days from the deadline as usual.

I know: it's not the right time, today it's so cloudy, you had a fight with your girlfriend, you don't know the true meaning of life. At least crawl out of the bed, get yourself some coffee and send that €3k invoice, ass.

In 2010, no-one is going to acknowledge the striking superiority of your work in accuracy, quickness and eloquence: now this may sound unfair to you, but perhaps you should rethink that €0.09 min rate, mate.

You could fit those extra 2,500 words for Mon, work on Sun at the legal doc, and Sat night you can finish checking the agency's Nuclear_physics_TM. What you need, though, is to fit a dinner out, music and sex.

There's quiet no-one like you at fixing problems with CAT, organizing work and not snapping at coleagues, but this month keep in mind that they'd love you or hate you all the same if you were the floor's janitor.

If this month you find your job so boring, don't plunge into alcohol and sexual promiscuity to make it more lively, just try to think rationally to what a new job could be, that is excluding drug-dealing and blackmailing.

You made clear that you don't need this job, it's this job that needs you. Your PM does not know it yet, though, so no jaw-dropping and eye-rolling at criticisms. And laser away that "Pro Translator" chest tattoo.

Last time you tried to take a break, you ended up organizing a heart-surgery translation 4-days intensive course on the beach in front of the resort: don't you realize you really are a navy-seal doing the wrong job?

Dude, I don't really know what to say, it's just the weird way you make it all work, just don't fiddle with suicidal thoughts for the human condition and dying whales and keep on going, whales will make it somehow.

Probably this year you ought to specialize in some field. Probably you ought to become an in-house. Probably you should raise your rates. Probably you'll get some 20k words to do. What?! Oh, no, no, it's all up to you.

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